Many teens in schools all across the country say that they don’t like school or they “hate” school. I used to be one of the kids who proclaimed often that I didn't like school, but still I did very good academically. However, you might be in that category of "I don't like school because I suck at it" which is a different path. If you are not doing well in school, you are most likely in search of some help. You might have even prayed and asked God for better grades in school. But getting better grades is more than just a "emergency 911” prayer in the midst of possibly failing a class, or worse, flunking the grade. There are 4 simple steps that I have found make getting good grades a reality. The good news is that God can definitely hep you! But first, let’s get a reality check…
WHY DO I EVEN HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL?? Most of you will be in school for the better part of 13 years, from age 5 to 18. It seems like school starts out as fun but then turns out to be a long, boring, chore, filled with tests on stuff you will never use. Even my 5 year old son Joshua is excited to start school and tells me almost daily that he’s “finished his homework”, granted his homework is coloring in his coloring book with his favorite crayons (most of which have been karate-chopped in half). But the point is that education was started for a reason. Did you know that the very word educate came from the latin word educae which means “to draw out”. Education was originally designed to work out the potential inside of you. If school seems challenging sometimes, well, that’s because it’s meant to be, in order for you to become better. The purpose is to draw out the gift, intelligence, and character inside of you that is necessary for you to succeed in life. When you have to do homework that you don’t want to do, you don’t care about, and you don’t even understand, there are a valuable traits being instilled inside of you: character, discipline, and perseverance - not to mention the actual learning that takes place. It takes courage to stay in school, and try your best. HISTORY Interesting info > Formal education in the USA was originated with the Bible as the primary textbook. Even the 1828 Webster’s dictionary was compiled by Noah Webster so the words in the Bible would hold the same meaning for everyone. Webster considered education useless without the Bible. So the school system started with the Bible as the foundation, making it all the more ironic that they have pushed it out of schools. COMMON PITFALL I've had many teens come to me for prayer so God could help them with their grades, under false assumptions…let me help you out here: God is NOT going to do all the work for you. Simple. Grades are not God’s responsibility, they are yours. God’s responsibility is to make good on all the 6,000+ promises that He has promised us in his Word. My motto: don’t pray and walk away. Pray with the intention of engaging the process. NOW THE HELP! PART Back to the topic at hand: HELP me with my grades! The Bible says that we have “the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). We have a mental capacity that is far bigger than we can imagine, so don’t EVER say that you can’t or that you are not smart enough. That's a lie. You are smart enough because God made you, and you have his DNA! (Genesis 1:26) So after encouraging countless other youth with their grades, I have developed a 4 step approach. This is how you engage the process:
~ David